But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

1 Timothy 5:8

I probably should not have to comment on this verse, as it seems self-evident. But there are a few implications that some fail to see. As a young to middle-aged male, your obligation, your ministry, is to care for your family. Get a job, if you need an education to do that, get it first before you take on the obligation of a family.

It is not the place of a young, middle-aged man with a family to take on the oversight of a Church. That is for elders, men who have fulfilled their family obligations and are free to take on the obligations of the oversight of the Church. No man still raising his family can do both.

Yes, your family’s care and needs come first, however, remember, your family needs to learn to sacrifice and care for others as well. That would be part of what you are to teach and demonstrate in your life.

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