When discussing the authenticity of the word of God, all opinions are encompassed within two prevailing opinions. The first asserts that God has safeguarded his word throughout time, ensuring its preservation until today. This perspective upholds that the Bible is inerrant, embracing the authority of the word of God.

Conversely, the alternative viewpoint contends that all available texts are human endeavors attempting to reconstruct ancient, unverifiable originals. This perspective considers all versions as flawed and open to criticism and modification by anyone.

The former aligns with an unwavering objective standard, whereas the latter operates based on an ambiguous subjective standard, susceptible to private interpretations.

2 Peter 1:20-21 KJV Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Concerning the former stance, there is only one translation anyone will uphold as that perfect word of God; that is the Authorized Version of 1611, commonly called the King James Version. Today’s standard is the 1769 edition containing corrections to printing errors and spelling and font updates. Any other version or multiple versions may be used but none will be touted as the preserved perfect word of God.

The King James Version has no competition to the title of the preserved word of God, as no one will uphold any other version as being such. So I look for the use of the King James Version in any Church I am thinking of attending. If you cannot find an uncorrectable Bible (KJV) how can you expect to know and understand the word of God?

Truth is Christ – for valuable information on the KJV.

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