What is the “Great Tribulation.”

The Bible speaks of a “great tribulation.” What does this mean? Is it the same as the “end times?

When most reference the great tribulation they are speaking of Daniel’s seventieth week which is a seven year period just before the Lord’s returns. It equates to the end times but the end times are more than that. I, as many, believe we are in the end times now. Everything is being set up for the Tribulation. When they complete the implementation of digital money the powers that be will control and enslave all.

Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Digital money gives them complete control over the lives of all. If you cannot accept money or pay it out what are you going to do except what they tell you? The world is now in the process of implementing a complete digital cashless society.

We are very close to entering Daniel’s seventieth week, the book of Revelations.

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