This question is a highly explosive one. From my own experience I would have to say if you ask 99% of Christians they would say children are protected until some unspecifiable time or point of growth. The question is undebatable not because they have any definitive prove, the most you will get is one or two verses that do not relate directly to the question, but because they do not want to think. I do not have the definitive answer neither do I know of anyone or have read anyone who has the definitive answer. I believe my answer could be God’s definitive answer.

There are two possibilities:

There does not seem to be any biblical evidence for the first. It is more of a emotional response. The second does have some biblical underpinning.

In the case of not having a definitive answer, I would err on the side of caution. The truth is that either way you must err on the side of caution. I am going to cut this short and go right to the conclusion hoping that without going through the whole study you will see my reasoning to be well-founded, at least if you are a Christian with any heart toward God.

See the constant in these two scenarios;

Both scenarios contain the same problem, when does the coverage end? Even if we know the exact point and time the coverage ended, would you wait till then to witness to the child? Our responsibility as Christians is the same regardless of whether children are covered, we are to witness to all. For God is going to hold us responsible, the blood of those we fail to witness to, even the blood of the children of parents we fail to witness to, will be accounted to us.

Whether children are covered or not is of no consequence to us. Whichever scenario is correct, we as Christians are commanded to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and to preach the word to all near and far.

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