Is there an easy to understand KJV?

Is there an easier-to-read KJV version? The King James Version is the King James Version and other versions claiming to be an easy-to-read are not a KJV.

The question should not be is there an easier edition of the KJV, but is the KJV the preserved word of God? If yes, you need to learn to read it. Are you too lazy to increase your vocabulary or learn some grammar?

Many find reading a daily newspaper hard to understand. It depends on your educational level, more importantly, are you willing to put the effort into educating yourself? It is written in modern English, with minor characteristics and a few words that we do not commonly use today. Even though not in common use, and they are not as uncommon in some instances as people think, does not mean it is not normal English. As far as just reading it, ten minutes is all it should take to get the poetic flow of it.

Obviously, if your vocabulary is lacking, you will have to look up some words; this is no different from reading anything. You will have to study basic English grammar if you did not learn it in school. You do not have to be an English major, but as in reading anything you have to understand basic grammar, or you can misinterpret.

Basically, if you are not willing to put the time and effort into it, you cannot learn anything, no matter how easy it is supposed to be.

A common response when speaking with people is that they had tried to read the Bible at one time and failing to understand it, not having immediate comprehension, the Bible was set aside and left to collect dust. This type of statement always betrays one’s heart attitude, especially when it is from professionals, businessmen, college graduates, tradesmen of all sorts; men who have and continue to diligently study the disciplines of this world in order to reap its rewards and have applied no time to the diligent study of God’s word. Men have their priorities reversed. They spend all their time preparing for and attempting to profit in the here and now, our short and temporary home, and no time preparing to profit in eternity, our long and permanent home.

Ecclesiastes 12:5 KJV man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:…

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